The Scoville scale is what determines the spiciness of a pepper. For reference, a jalapeño starts at 3,500 Scovilles and a habanero starts at 100,000 Scovilles. We consider ourselves fans of spicy food, but even a habanero (there are about five or so that can be hotter) thrown into a queso dip can be a bit much for us. Which is why we find it completely ridiculous that anyone would make a Vodka that rates 250,000 Scovilles on the tasting scale… but they did. Does it taste like burning? Probably. Will you have a serious case of Montezuma’s Revenge after consuming it? Most likely. Is it still completely worth it just so you can say you drank fire and survived? Most definitely. All we’re saying is, there’s a reason the bottle is adorned with a skull and crossbones. Are you man enough?